

Council works and projects update as at 1 July 2024:

🚧 Sorell Streetscape – Stage 5 Cole Street (McDonalds to Gateway Shopping Centre) footpath works are ongoing.

🚧 Sorell Carriage Shed – Timber deck and framing for the double glass doors are complete. Glass doors and handrails to the deck have been ordered. The concrete path connecting the main entrance to the new deck is complete.

🚧 Gate Five Road/Carlton Beach Road (Vulnerable Road User Program) – Land acquisition should be completed early in the new financial year.

🚧 South East Training Centre – Tenders have closed with seven submissions. The review is currently underway with the recommendation expected to be tabled at the July Council meeting.

🚧 Miena Park Gravel Track – Request for quotes were sought and the successful contractor has commenced works.

🚧 Tamarix Road (Nerine Street to Grebe Street) – Works have commenced and are ongoing.

🚧 Midway Point Footpath Renewals – Works due to commence on 1 July 2024.

🚧 Primrose Sands Road and Grevillea Street Reconstruction – Works expected to be completed in early July.

🚧 Wiggins Road Widening Project – Works expected to be completed in early July.

🚧 Seventh Avenue Stormwater Upgrade – Works commencing in early July

🚧 Erle Street Carlton River Stormwater Project – Works are expected to commence in mid-July.

There are no current works.