Waste Management Services Survey
We recently conducted community consultation to find out the community’s views on our current waste management services and proposed new services.
The survey was open for approximately 4 weeks.
Over 1100 residents completed our survey, with a good cross section of ages and suburbs represented. The survey results gave us a clearer understanding of what our residents think of the existing waste management services and what new services should be considered in the future.
The results included:
- Most residents were satisfied with the existing garbage and recycling collection services and use them regularly.
- There is a lower level of satisfaction with the greenwaste collection and over 40% of residents never use it. When given the choice between a food and organic collection (FOGO) service and the greenwaste service, most preferred FOGO.
- The levels of satisfaction with the hardwaste collection was higher than greenwaste, however 30% never use it.
- Residents supported retaining recycling centres, even when the container refund scheme commences later next year.
Moving forward, the results of the survey will inform the recommendations made to Council for any new or amended waste management services.
We appreciate all those residents and rate payers who took the time to provide feedback.