Natural Resource Management Strategy

The Draft NRM Strategy is in development and will be released for community feedback in the next few months.  


We are excited to provide an update on our vision for developing a Natural Resource Management (NRM) Strategy for our municipality.

We are inviting community to Have your Say on the Natural Resource Management Strategy – Summary of Vision DRAFT to identify any other specific areas of interest or concerns that will help inform development of the Draft NRM Strategy and associated Action Plan.


For over 2 years, our NRM Facilitator- Dibas Panta, has been actively collaborating with a wide range of local and regional organisations and community groups and integrating specialised NRM expertise into the Council’s strategies and operational activities. In October 2023, an important NRM milestone was reached with the establishment of Sorell Council’s inaugural NRM/Environmental Advisory Group (NRMEAG). The NRMEAG will assist Council through provision of valuable advice and support to develop and facilitate the NRM Strategy and implementation of its associated Action Plan which aims to build community awareness and support for Sorell’s NRM initiatives. Members are: Andrew Stevenson, Peter French, Tina Acuna, Louise Purcell, Andrew North and Councillors Janet Gatehouse and Melinda Reed.


The Natural Resource Management (NRM) Strategy will be the framework to guide the management of land, water, and biodiversity within the Sorell local government area (LGA). The NRM Strategy (the Strategy) will align to Sorell Council’s Strategic Plan 2019-2029 that envisions ‘a proud, thriving, and inclusive South East Community’ built on the values of integrity, unity, respect, and innovation.

Its purpose is to inform future actions and policies of Sorell Council with an emphasis on achieving:

  • Increased understanding of our natural resources and the challenges and opportunities for their effective management.
  • Increased scope and breadth of NRM related activities.
  • Increased levels and effectiveness of stakeholder participation in NRM activities.
  • Efficient allocation and management of the available resources to support organisational priorities and long term sustainability NRM areas.
  • Improved sustainability of other Council operations, including ongoing compliance with environmental and cultural legislation and regulation.
  • Improved sharing of information and communication of the Strategy’s strategic direction.
  • Support to secure external funding for Council or community groups for NRM activities aligned with priority areas.

The Strategy sets out to be collaborative, inclusive and based on the best available science and knowledge.  While it will identify priority areas, it must also be adaptable, dynamic and align with the priorities of the Federal and State Governments, as well as the Local Government sector and our local communities, to achieve its strategic aims.