
Following his successful election win for the Upper House seat of Prosser, Mayor Kerry Vincent tendered his resignation. His term as Mayor officially ended on Thursday 9 May 2024. This means a by-election for the positions of one councillor and mayor is required.

Deputy Mayor Charles Wooley will be Acting Mayor until the results of the by-election are confirmed.

Please check your enrolment details are up to date so you can vote in the by-election – Check my enrolment (aec.gov.au). Voting is compulsory.

The Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC) are running a by-election for the positions of Mayor and Councillor. by-elections for the positions of one councillor and one mayor on both councils are required.

The election calendar advised by the TEC is:

9am Monday 20 May – Nominations open

6pm Thursday 23 May – Enrolment closes

12 noon Tuesday 28 May – Nominations close

12 noon Wednesday 29 May – Announcement of candidates

From Monday 3 June – Ballot packs delivered by post

2pm Thursday 20 June – Close of polls

From 9am Friday 21 June – Counting of ballot papers and progressive results

Every Sorell Council elector will be sent a personally addressed postal ballot pack, which must be completed and returned before the close of the polling period. Ballot packs are delivered by post. If you haven’t received your Pack please follow this procedure.

The elected Mayor/Councillor will serve until the completion of the next ordinary election, due to be held September/October 2026.

Local Government elections for Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor positions are held every four years. The current Councillors were all elected in November 2022 for a four year term. The next election will take place in 2026.

Further information about elections can be found on the Tasmanian Electoral Commission website at www.tec.tas.gov.au

You are eligible to vote in Sorell Council elections if you are:

  • An owner or occupier of land in the Sorell Municipal area;
  • Over the age of 18 years;
  • Not serving a term of imprisonment;
  • Not subject to an order under the Mental Health Act 1963.

If you are on the House of the Assembly electoral roll for an address in the Sorell Council Municipal area you are automatically enrolled.

Recent amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 mean that voting in local government elections is now compulsory for all electors on the State roll.

Go to www.tec.tas.gov.au to download an Electoral Enrolment Form.

General Managers Electoral Roll

If you are not on the House of Assembly electoral roll for an address in the Sorell Council Municipal area, but you own or occupy land in the Sorell Municipal area, you may apply to be included on the General Managers Electoral Roll by completing a Local Government Electoral Enrolment form.  This will then enable you to vote in Sorell Council elections.

Likewise, if you are the nominated representative of a corporate body which owns or occupies land in the Sorell Municipal area you may apply to be included on the General Managers Electoral Roll by completing a Local Government Electoral Enrolment form – for Corporate Bodies.  This will then enable you to vote at Sorell Council elections.

Forms should be returned to Council at sorell.council@sorell.tas.gov.au. Providing you meet the eligibility requirements, your name will be placed on the General Managers Electoral Roll.

Enquiries about the General Managers Electoral Roll should be directed to the Council Office on 03 6269 0000.