Application for Pensioner Rates Remission 2024/2025

Are you the holder of a Concession Card on 1 July 2024?(Required)
If your start date on your card is on or after 2 July 2024, please answer 'no'.

Card Details

The Card Start Date appears on the front of your concession card
DD slash MM slash YYYY
What type of Concession Card do you have?(Required)
Max. file size: 64 MB.

Applicants details

Your property identification number can be found on your rates notice, top right hand corner.
Is the applicant the owner of the property?(Required)

Application details

Were you liable for rates on the property on 1 July 2024?(Required)
Was this property your principal place of residence on 1 July 2024?(Required)
Is your property serviced by Water and/or Sewerage (TasWater)?(Required)

Authorisation and Consent

In making this application:(Required)
If you fail to advise Council of the changes outlined above or make a false and misleading statement, the Commissioner may commence action to have a fine imposed
DD slash MM slash YYYY