Blue Lagoon – Update on Current Water Levels

The recent wet weather has seen an increase in water levels in Blue Lagoon.

Previously we have opened the channel for the waters to recede out to Blue Lagoon beach. However, due to the endangered Red Handfish habitat in these waters, we are currently unable to do this.

In order to manage the water levels appropriately we have been investigating the option of temporarily piping water from Blue Lagoon to the north, and dispersing it adjacent to the boat ramp.

This is deemed the best option at this time and consequently, works are due to commence from Monday 30 September 2024.

Please note the following important details:

  • Pumping will occur between the hours of 9.00am – 2.30pm.
  • Pumping is expected to be complete by Wednesday 9 October 2024.
  • To reduce noise impact, the pump will be encased in a silentpac casing.
  • The intention is to reduce the water level by approximately 500mm, from 2.43 to correct 1.85-1.95. This will be measured at the point of the outfall point opposite 46 Kannah Street. 
  • The water level will be measured and recorded daily, throughout the pumping process.
  • The water will be filtered prior to entering the bay,
  • In determining this level, the long-range forecast for predicated rain to end of October and evaporation has been considered.
  • With the current water level in the lagoon the outlet pipe coming from Lourah Street is subsequently backed up with water and does not have the capacity to function correctly. The water level reduction will enable the pipe to effectively function and flow to the lagoon as intended.
  • Department of NRE and IMAS have provided agreement to these works and have not expressed any concerns about any impact on habitat.
  • The filtration unit is to be located within the boat ramp car park which has been barricaded off to ensure safety.

Traffic management will be in place on Tiger Head Road during the works so there is likely to be some minor delays for traffic. We will endeavour to limit the impact of these as much as possible but we appreciate your support in the interim.

Please be assured that the ongoing protection and preservation of Blue Lagoon is a priority for Council. We will continue our work to find a satisfactory solution to ensure future generations get to experience its rich biodiversity and value of community connection to this special place.

Please read the latest information on our work on developing the Draft Management Plan for Blue Lagoon here.